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Invest Horizon

am . Veröffentlicht in Presse

HCM – Supporting Old-economy Companies with Small- to Medium-Range Equity Investments


What Problems Does HCM Solve

"...HCM’s main focus is old-economy companies. However, the organisation is working together with many other sectors, and has no strict limitations when it comes to a specific industry. ..."

Impact and Biggest Achievements of HCM

"...HCM has been supporting businesses for almost 25 years and has had many success stories. Their investments ranged from €50,000 to over €3 million per case. The total investment volume is around the seven-digit million mark. ..."

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/// HCM Human Consult Management GmbH & Co. KG

Franco Ottavio Mathias
Heideweg 29a
25451 Quickborn

Tel: +49 (0) 4106 77 42 0
Fax: +49 (0) 4106 77 42 20
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/// HCM Handwerk Capital Management GmbH & Co. KG

Franco Ottavio Mathias
Heideweg 29a
25451 Quickborn

Tel: +49 (0) 4106 77 42 0
Fax: +49 (0) 4106 77 42 20
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